Spring Symposium 2024 Video

Dr. Robert Cole presented the topic “The Biblical Theology of מין/’Created Kind’ in the Hebrew Bible” for our online CTS Spring Symposium 2024 on Thursday, March 21. Sixteen people logged on to participate in the symposium. For those who could not join us, the video for the symposium is available at the following link. In addition an unedited text of the Chat for the symposium is available in a TXT document.

We plan to offer another online symposium in the Fall. Please watch for announcements on our CTS website (Blog) as well as for our occasional MailChimp emails providing information about such events. 

Fall Symposium Video

On the evening of December 8 CTS hosted its first Online Fall Symposium with twenty-one CTS members logging in. The topic for our symposium was “The Biblical Flood in the Literature of the Dead Sea Scrolls” led by our President, Dr. Jeremy Lyon. Wipf and Stock published Jeremy’s Qumran Interpretation of the Genesis Flood in 2015. If you have an interest in this topic, this book provides very helpful translations, descriptions, analyses, and discussions of four scrolls: the Genesis Apocryphon (1QapGen), a Genesis pesher (4Q252), a fragment of an admonition based on the Flood (4Q370), and a fragment of a paraphrase of Genesis and Exodus (4Q422).

The Fall 2022 Online Symposium video can be accessed via this link. In this way, those of you who were unable to join us can still hear the presentation and the subsequent Q&A.

Watch for announcements regarding future online symposia. We plan to offer at least two each year — one in the Fall and one in the Spring. The symposia provide only members the privilege of live-stream watching and participation. Every active member receives a Zoom invitation ahead of time so they can join the symposium. Post-symposium access to the videos are available to anyone through the CTS website.

JCTS Issue 1 in Mail

Issue 1 of the Journal of the Creation Theology Society has been printed and is in the mail to all our members! Click this link to go to the Journal page for the latest information and for a free download of a sample article.

Soon we will announce a Members Only page where members can access the digital version.

JCTS First Issue Published

The premier issue of the Journal of the Creation Theology Society has been published! For a first issue, this one is packed! — over 200 pages! Thanks to the labors of our Senior Editor Steve Boyd and his staff (Lee Anderson and Doug Smith) CTS members will soon be receiving their hard copy of JCTS in the mail (snail mail).

In the near future we will establish a members-only page on our website so a digital copy can be viewed. Stay tuned for that future announcement, right here on the CTS blog.

In addition, we will soon be making it possible for anyone to purchase a digital copy of CTSJ articles or the full issue online.

Truett McConnell University Creation Lecture Series

Truett McConnell University (Cleveland, GA) will host and livestream The 2021 Paige and Dorothy Patterson Spring Lecture Series March 23–25. This year’s topic is “Creation: The Historical Adam.” Speakers include Drs. William Barrick, Jeremy Lyon, Kurt Wise, and Andrew Fabich.

Download the PDF for the above flyer.

Visit the Truett McConnell Facebook page for more information (including schedule of lectures and link to livestream).

“Queen of the Sciences” and Interdisciplinary Research

From the beginning of the modern creation movement—often associated at least in some way with the landmark publication of The Genesis Flood, by John Whitcomb and Henry Morris in 1961—there have been many challenges. Over the decades, one of the glaring issues with the creation community has been the lack of biblical scholars who have been willing to critically engage in creation research. To be clear, there have been some biblical scholars involved, but they have been the exception. Scientists, nevertheless, forged ahead with research, publications, and outreach, without much help from the field of biblical scholarship. 

In the meantime, much of the field of biblical studies has been capitulating to the ideas of evolution and/or millions of years. While this is a valid general criticism of the history of the modern creation movement up to this point, this is in no way a criticism of the faithful scientists who have engaged in this important research. Rather, this is an indictment on the field of biblical scholarship as a whole, which, for various reasons, has not to this point taken the lead in creation studies. 

In recent years, however, a number of scientists and biblical scholars have recognized this major lacuna in the scholarly creation community and are now seeking to address it. As a result, we have formed the Creation Theology Society. We believe that the Bible is God’s self-revelation to humanity, forming the foundation for truth and knowledge. Thus, divine revelation must be the respected and authoritative lens through which we seek to understand the world around us. Consequently, theology, historically understood as the “queen of the sciences,” must inform scientific investigation, since correct interpretation of creation depends upon correct interpretation of God’s Word. 

The purpose of this new society is as follows: “In the tradition of theology as the queen of the sciences, the Creation Theology Society seeks to develop a community of biblical scholarship that initiates and undergirds interdisciplinary creation research.” We are glad to come alongside the Creation Biology Society and the Creation Geology Society to, hopefully, set the standard and to model interdisciplinary creation research for the creation community as a whole. We believe that we work most effectively when we work together in interdisciplinary fashion. In my own experience of working with creation scientists, whether co-leading teaching trips through Grand Canyon, doing conferences, or collaborating on research, I have always found it mutually beneficial and enriching for biblical scholars and scientists alike when we work together. We all benefit when we work together, that is, when we function as the body of Christ as it pertains to creation research and education. We look forward to all that God will do through this society and we hope that you will be a part of this ongoing work.