Amazing! Wonderful! Mind blowing! Stupendous! Marvelous! No adjective in the English language seems to do the event justice. At the heart of the Christmas message we behold the Creator of everything making His appearance as an infant in Bethlehem. He who created the earth and fashioned its layers of stone was laid within a stone manger normally used for providing food and water for livestock.

The Christ child known as Immanuel (“God with us”; Matthew 1:23 and Isaiah 7:14) created the heavens with all their glorious array. He who is beautiful (Isaiah 4:2) provides beauty in the heavens so that we are without excuse when we ignore their revelation concerning His Godhood and power (Romans 1:18–32).
These truths are part of the wonder of Christmas. For that reason we look beyond all other gifts to the greatest gift of all, Jesus the Messiah and Savior.
Enjoy a Christ-centered and Christ-glorifying Christmas season. May we all continue to stand in absolute awe of the miracle of the First Advent of our Savior. Our Creator came to this sin-cursed earth to bring salvation to fallen human beings. He who possesses the greatest power came in the form of a servant (Philippians 2:5–11) to accomplish what He alone could bring about — a new creation: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old is passed away; behold the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV).