The Creation Theology Society cooperates with the Creation Biology Society and the Creation Geology Society in organizing and sponsoring annual conferences. Each year this involves the Origins Conference. In these conferences members will present research papers and participate in discussions. In addition, we will conduct a themed Interdisciplinary Session with invited papers on a biblical matter of interest to creation science.
Origins Conference 2024
Registration is now open. Go to this link to get information and to register.
Origins 2024 (the annual meeting of the Creation Theology Society, Creation Biology Society, and Creation Geology Society) will take place July 22–23, 2024 at Brookes Bible College in St. Louis, MO. Since sessions will commence first thing on the morning of July 22, participants and attendees planning to attend from outside the St. Louis area should establish lodging from the evening of July 21. Hotels will be the only lodging choice unless one plans to stay with friends who reside in the area.
The CTS Board has chosen the topic “Created Kinds” for the Interdisciplinary Session for our 2024 conference.
Call for Paper Proposals (Abstracts): If you desire to make a presentation at Origins 2024, please email your proposal/abstract to Dr. Steve Boyd at sboyd@creationtheologysociety.org.
Instructions for such a proposal/abstract are available on the CTS website here. The deadline for receiving those proposals is March 31, 2024. After approval of your proposal, your paper must be submitted for review no later than June 15, 2024. Proposals and papers not meeting these deadlines will not appear on the conference schedule.

Dr. Boyd's 2023 Origins Conference Presentation
Due to technical difficulties, Steven Boyd’s presentation at Origins Conference 2023 endured numerous interruptions. The following link allows CTS members to download the PDF document for his PowerPoint presentation.