The Apostle Paul exhorted us “to be ready for every good work, to malign no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing every consideration for all men” (Titus 3:1b–2).
We believe:
- God created a very good world in six days, less than ten thousand years ago.
- God created mankind in His image, and He created animals according to their kind.
- Death, suffering, and sin entered God’s very good creation through Adam’s disobedience.
- The Flood in Noah’s day was a catastrophic, global judgment in which God punished mankind for sin, and all air-breathing, land-dwelling creatures that were not on the ark died and the earth that then existed was destroyed.
- The Bible is God’s self-revelation to humanity, and is therefore inerrant in all that it asserts, and forms the foundation for truth and knowledge.
- Divine revelation must be the authoritative lens through which we seek to understand the world around us.
- God clearly reveals His nature in the creation, so that those who deny it are without excuse; moreover, geological, cultural, and historical evidence for the Flood of Noah is abundant.
- All human hypotheses and theories—including those of young age creationists—must be measured against the testimony of Scripture.
Our commitment:
Starting with Scripture, young age creationists produce a variety of scientific models that help us understand the physical evidence we observe. Models are constructed using data (any piece of information that might support any answer to a question or solution to a problem). Data can be marshalled as evidence to support an assertion or claim. An assertion without supporting evidence remains inert or ineffective. All evidence, however, is subject to interpretation. Therefore, evidence in and of itself does not provide proof. Models vary with the interpretation of data (Proverbs 18:17).
As servants of Jesus Christ, we have the privilege and responsibility to cultivate Christlikeness in our interactions with one another. In our exchange of ideas and investigations of both biblical and scientific data, a gracious and irenic spirit should motivate and undergird our posture and our manner of engagement (Ephesians 4:1–3).
We best accomplish the irenic model of interaction when we recognize and openly acknowledge that our disagreements can be a vehicle of mutually navigating from one agreed-upon point to yet another with soft words and patient re-examination of our progress on any given topic (Proverbs 15:1).
As we enter into discussions, present our papers, and publish our findings, we should season our words with grace, love, and respect for fellow believers no matter how much we might disagree with one another (Proverbs 16:24).
We agree that we must demonstrate sound discernment alongside the exercise of love and humility, always aiming to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15–16).
Just as we have an obligation to repeat exegesis to be certain of our interpretation of a text in Scripture (Acts 17:11; 2 Timothy 2:15) and to re-examine our data and interpretation in matters of scientific research, so we must give equal care to accurately understanding and representing what others say and write.
In the process of our argumentation our assertions must find their basis in evidence, not upon other assertions. As with Scripture, care must be taken not to go beyond what is said or to assume anything that has not been stated (1 Corinthians 4:6).
To succeed in this endeavor, we have a moral obligation to proactively seek clarification and resolve disagreements as much as possible by first interacting directly with the individual whose words or ideas we might reject or question, and then peer-reviewed publications rather than pursuing such interaction via social media, blogs, digital materials, and print publications (Galatians 5:14–15). We will endeavor to listen to opposing views and offer an objective peer review process free of questioning one’s credibility, to treat opposing viewpoints and their proponents with respect, and to behave toward one another with professionalism and courtesy in all venues.
Out of love for Christ and His Church, may we diligently seek and guard unity from a posture of humility, walking in step with the Spirit, and serving one another in love in our exchange of ideas as we bear witness to the truth of the gospel of Christ (Ephesians 5:1–2).
April 30, 2023
To add your name as a signatory, please click on this link and follow these instructions: Complete the contact form and provide the exact wording in the “Message” box you wish for your signature (example: Thomas S. Baurain, D.Min., Board Member of Creation Theology Society; Professor Emeritus of Bible and Theology, Calvary University). All submissions are subject to review. After the heads of sister organizations, names will be listed in the order they are submitted and accepted. Follow the same message procedure to request removal of your name.
Jeremy D. Lyon, Ph.D., President of Creation Theology Society
Associate Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, Truett McConnell University
Board Member of International Conference on Creationism
William D. Barrick, Th.D., Secretary-Treasurer of Creation Theology Society
Emeritus Professor of Old Testament, The Master’s Seminary
Chairman of the Board of Canyon Ministries
Steven W. Boyd, Ph.D., Executive Editor of Creation Theology Society
Research Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages
Thomas S. Baurain, D.Min., Board Member of Creation Theology Society
Professor Emeritus of Bible and Theology, Calvary University
Mark F. Rooker, Ph.D., Board Member of Creation Theology Society
Senior Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew,Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Robert L. Cole, Ph.D., Board Member of Creation Theology Society
Bilingual (Eng. and Span.) Professor of Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic,, Ramat Gan, Israel
Adjunct Professor, The University of the Holy Land, Jerusalem
Douglas K. Smith, Ph.D., Board Member of Creation Theology Society
Bible Teacher, Cornerstone Christian Academy
Associate Research Scholar, Cataclysm Chronology Research Group
Randy J. Guliuzza, P.E., M.D.
President, Institute for Creation Research
Matthew A. McLain, Ph.D.
President of the Creation Biology Society
Associate Professor of Biology and Geology, The Master’s University
Scott Lanser, M.A.
President of Associates for Biblical Research
Editor of Bible and Spade magazine
David A. McGee, Ed.D., Ph.D.
Member of Creation Theology Society
Associate Professor, School of Divinity Online, Liberty University
Adjunct Professor, School of Biblical and Theological Studies Online, Cedarville University
Bible Teacher, Cross Street Academy Online
Cory M. Marsh, Ph.D.
Professor of New Testament, Southern California Seminary
Zachary Klein, Independent Researcher
Board Member of the Missouri Association for Creation
David W. Elkins, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
Member of Creation Theology Society
Member of Creation Research Society
Paul A. Garner, M.Sc.
Researcher and Lecturer, Biblical Creation Trust, U.K.
Matthew Pickhaver B.Sc. (Hons.), P.G.C.E.
Associate Lecturer/Comms Manager, Biblical Creation Trust, U.K.
Thomas Pittman
Vice President of Academic Affairs/Chief Academic Officer, Shepherds Theological Seminary
Jonathan E. Cook, M.Div. Student
Truett McConnell University
Timothy R. Brophy, Ph.D.
Full Member of Creation Theology Society
Professor of Biology and Director of the Center for Creation Studies, Liberty University
Board Member of Creation Biology Society
Editor for Journal of Creation Theology and Science Series B: Life Sciences
James L. Brenneman, Biblical Creationist
Teacher of Biblical Hebrew, Conducting Creation Seminars Internationally
Member of Creation Theology Society, Member of Creation Research Society
Administrator of Creation Science FB Group.
Dustin Burlet, Ph.D.
Faculty: Millar College of the Bible (Winnipeg, MB, Canada)
Stephen H. Tewid Mapes, Ph.D. Student
Graduate Assistant of Bible and Theology, Calvary University
Dennis A Hutchison
Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies, The Master’s University
Edward E. Stevens, M.B.S.
President of International Preterist Association
Mark Ward, Ph.D.
Senior Editor for Digital Content, Logos
Bible YouTuber
Paul J. L. Miles, D.Min.
Member of Creation Theology Society
Executive Director, Grace Abroad Ministries, Ukraine
Fellow, The International Society for Biblical Hermeneutics
William John Worraker B.Sc. (Hons.), Ph.D.
Associate Researcher with Biblical Creation Trust, U.K.
Cliff McManis, Ph.D.
Professor of Apologetics and Theology, The Cornerstone Bible College and Seminary, Vallejo, CA
Gary Winkler
Secretary of Missouri Association for Creation
Thomas A. Keiser, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Chair, Department of Biblical Studies & Christian Ministry
Regent University College of Arts and Sciences
Henrik Mjörnell, Senior Pastor
Member of and Lecturer for Genesis (a Swedish Creation Association)
Steven A. Austin
Adjunct Professor of Geology, Cedarville, OH
Jason S. DeRouchie, Ph.D.
Research Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Theology, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Content Developer and Global Trainer with Hands to the Plow Ministries
Hannah Klein, B.S. student
Liberty University
Member of Creation Theology Society
Nate Loper
Executive Director, Canyon Ministries
Hans Madueme, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Theological Studies, Covenant College
Christian Ryan, B.S. student
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Writer for the New Creation Blog
Tom Vail
Founder and Board Member of Canyon Ministries
Clay Miller, M.S.E.E., M.Div.
Senior Pastor, San Tan Bible Church
Board Member, Canyon Ministries
Kym Varner
Board Member of Canyon Ministries
Founder of Looking for the Blessed Hope
Philip Brown II, Ph.D.
Professor of Bible & Theology, Graduate Program Director
God’s Bible School and College
Henry B. Smith Jr. M.A.R
Associates for Biblical Research
Research Lead: The Genesis 5 and 11 Research Project
Administrative Director: The Shiloh Excavations
Co-Host: Digging for Truth TV
Marcus R. Ross, Ph.D.
CEO, Cornerstone Educational Supply
Fellow, Center for Creation Studies, Liberty University
Mike Stallard, Ph.D.
Vice President for International Ministries
The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry
Gary Gromacki, Ph.D.
Department Chair of Bible and Theology
Director of the Ph.D. in Bible and Theology Program
Professor of Bible and Theology
Calvary University, Kansas City, MO
Colin J. Mitchell BA (Hons) HNC
Retired minister
Former part-time Teacher and Tutor, Moorlands College, UK
Thomas D. Hennigan
Associate Professor of Ecology and Organism Biology
Truett McConnell University
Adjunct Professor of Biblical Studies